

AMA Architects connects accessibility and green building. Without accessibility, a structure can't be really sustainable. A building that prioritizes health and wellbeing should welcome all tenants, regardless of background, age, stature, etc.

AMA Architects offers expert accessibility review services to architects, owners, developers, building managers, and contractors in their effort towards compliance with ADA Standards, Fair Housing Act, Title 24 of the NYC BC, and more.

Importance of Accessibility in architecture

In Architecture, Accessibility is vital while designing to assure the Infrastructure serves people of all abilities regardless of ability, context, or situation. Accessibility ensures that Infrastructure or space is accessible to all users while balancing the needs of individual users. The main principle of Accessibility, known as POUR, refers to perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust.


What is the concept of Accessibility?

Accessibility refers to the ability to access regardless of ability, context, or situation. All people can perceive, understand, and navigate the design and construction spaces.

Why is Accessibility so important?

Accessibility is essential in architecture as we can maximize the chances of everyone being able to perceive, understand, and navigate the design and construction spaces regardless of ability, context, or situation. In creating a user-friendly, convenient infrastructure for everyone, Accessibility is important by considering diverse needs.

What are the four significant categories of Accessibility?

The significant categories of Accessibility, known as POUR, refer to perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust. Perceivable means people must be able to process information quickly, and people with disabilities should be able to operate the design. Understanding is also essential rather than processing and operation.

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